Monday, August 6, 2007

camo tank top and basketball shorts

well with my new found freedom that blogs can be about anything, i thought i would start this one with my train of thought...

i am wearing a camo tank top and basketball shorts right now. i have been home for 4 weeks with my foot elevated to heal from surgery and i have been wearing some interesting outfits. it's like back when i was a tomboy...every year of my life prior to college. my sister, j, and my mom and i would go clothes shopping at the beginning of the year just like most families. as soon as we got into the store (the store being NBC - which is like a "discount" resale store) j would go right to the girls section and i would somehow always find myself in the boys section. when we would get home and try on all of our purchases from the day i would always be so jealous of j. i would be overwhelmed with the fact that everything i bought was very boyish. i was totally aware that i did this, but every time....the same thing.

so the next step of this story is of course me asking j to let me borrow some of her "units" outfits or mixit digs. and the answer...was almost always no! "you chose to buy those boys clothes, now you have to wear them."
it wasn't until my senior year in high school that i realized that i could reivent myself when i went to i did. not big changes, but i did start wearing the things i wanted to and just being more myself in what i wore. i think that when you grow up and always stay in one school people start to expect a certain style from you. that is how i got stuck. i also rememeber trying to bust out of that a bit in jr. high and wearing my hair down some. people would make such a big deal about it and i would feel embarrassed. i think that is why i stayed with the same ole style.
j and i...maybe this is where the tomboy starts. she hold the ball like a cute accessory and i just wait for her to drop it so i can get back to my game. :)


Amy said...

Great Post Cindy! Love the story...Love the way you write. I laugh every time because I can hear you saying what I read. I miss you dear friend...I miss you lots.

Courtney said...

See, randomness is good! Brings me to thinking of some nostalgic moments myself. I, too, was the tomboy until about 6th grade. Then it was all big bangs and MC Hammer pants, but that was a whole 'nother story. I miss you too! I checked some flights out there...why is it so expensive to fly to NC? Are you guys hiding something out there that we don't know about in middle america? Love you bunches! Courts

Anonymous said...

I agree with the girls. Love hearing ANYTHING you have to say. You've got some GREAT stories in that head of yours - let them out!
You talking about mix-it took me back. I had this killer tube belt that I wanted to wear with everything. I thought I was the cat's pajamas. =)

And, I love your style, by the way. You wear it well. =)

love and hugs to my camo-wearin' friend!