Wednesday, July 25, 2007

bonanza de los mail

Tim and Cindy Crowder are feeling very loved this week! On Monday evening we got the mail in and had what i like to refer to as the "bonanza de los mail," which really means we are loved in the form of people taking the time to send wonderful notes and packages! Thank you so much my sweet nieces Cassandra and Lexie! You two and Nana really know how to put together a fun package!!! I got a huge box with 6 presents individually wrapped. Each had a note on it and I had so much fun opening them all.
Thank you Cassandra Lexie and Mom C!

Here we mourn the loss of Rob the Knob, but these lovely gifts definitly helped me to say "goodbye." the fact that i am putting this picture in is a real self sacrifice. Tim thought it was so funny to throw my new pink ball that lights up at me and take a picture! i must admit, we had a pretty good laugh over this one!

fun puzzles to keep my mind as sharp as a whip

Io wanted to get in on the action! She wants some matching slippers Nana. ;)
These are my favorite color and they are flip flops, which i love!!
As soon as I can get this dressing off...I will have the cutest feet on the block. I was thinking with my new nail polish that no one will notice the huge scar! Bonus!

Delicious smelling body butter and soaps. "Good enought to lick,"
says IO.

This was gift number 5 and i can't figure out how to turn the picture the correct way? Any suggestions to those who are big time on this blogger thing?

Tim also got a wonderful package in the mail from J and Chad our brother and sister! They were so sweet to think of Tim when they made a trip to Chicago this summer. Loved the cute Cubs logo on the front. It really made Tim excited...then he got this great Wrigley Field t-shirt from them. The sweet thing is that he has a favorite Wrigley Field shirt that has seen better days and this is a great new addition to his wardrobe. So fun to open up!

Lastly I got this cute card from Stephanie (my wonderful sister). She couldn't pass up on the dog card and I of course couldn't pass up on taking this picture of myself. That is downright creative if you ask me! I loved the sweet card steph...thanks!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ioneous P Trowder

I thought I would start my message off today talking about our precious pup IO. She and I have been spending some quality time together lately. When she comes inside lately, she climbs up and licks my face like an all out attack. Tim experienced the same attatch last night and he is a special thing. I tried to capture the attack today on video, but I just got a picture of it. In these shots she also looks like her other nick name of Tiny Ting Tong. Tim and I were watching King Kong one day when we said...IO looks like a Tiny King Kong. And it just stuck. Tiny Ting Tong is not afraid to tell you what she wants.

Every night that my parents were here last week taking care of me, she would hop up on the couch by where her leash hangs. She would very politely ask for my dad to take her on a walk..of course he did. And she loved every minute of it. Now she thinks she can walk around on the couch like she is a cat. Thanks dad! ;)

The harder she attacks...the more I laugh...the more she licks...incredulous cycle.
Just last night Tim and I were sitting in the living room and he was on his laptop. I was finishing an apple when Io...aka Ioneous P Trowder (her full name) came up and started to attack me for some apple. Finally I gave in because who can fight off a 12 pound dacshund/cocker mix? Not this girl.
She sniffs out the apple...she decides she wants to try some.

So she finished it off to the last little bite. We have noticed that she eats everything. Like demons (that one is for Sarah).
Well, this picture also shows my foot and status of the boot..always having my foot elevated. Beautiful flowers given to me by loved computer and phone very close...and me and IO hanging out. I am really enjoying the quiet moments..mostly! We are excited it is the weekend! We miss Tim when he is gone all day. He has been working very hard lately. He has taken care of me..IO...and everything around the house. I do have some precious friends who have come by to hang out with me and they have even brought some meals for us. We really have the most amazing Home Fellowship Group from our church
Cheers and have a great weekend, Cindy

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rob the Knob...farewell

so here i am...being a blogger. sweet. i have finally joined the club.

I am currently under "house arrest" due to foot surgery that I had last week.

All of my life I have had a lot of pain in my left foot due to a knob that sticks out about a half an inch. some people call them bunions, but since I only knew of 78 year old women having them...i referred to mine as a knob. and then i named him rob. when i was angry with was robert. so anyhew last week the final moments in his life came when we decided to shave him off and cut through two bones in my foot to straighten them out. i now have 4 pins going through my foot.
so here i sit with my foot propped up on pillows...hanging out with my precious pup io. that is her name in the letters. it really confuses everyone. ok, so here are some pics incase you want to see what i'm talking about.

Warning...graphic pictures below

this is while they were removing the bandages. this is how much it bled through the gauze.

and here it is! those are four pins sticking out that will be removed in 3 and a half weeks

this is compared to my other foot. it is so weird because my right foot has a little bunion and now it looks bigger than the left one...did robert just jump to my other foot during surgery...can knobs do that?

having some fun with the camera while we waited for Dr. V. this is tim sucking my toe

Well...there you have it. my first entry.