Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rob the Knob...farewell

so here i am...being a blogger. sweet. i have finally joined the club.

I am currently under "house arrest" due to foot surgery that I had last week.

All of my life I have had a lot of pain in my left foot due to a knob that sticks out about a half an inch. some people call them bunions, but since I only knew of 78 year old women having them...i referred to mine as a knob. and then i named him rob. when i was angry with was robert. so anyhew last week the final moments in his life came when we decided to shave him off and cut through two bones in my foot to straighten them out. i now have 4 pins going through my foot.
so here i sit with my foot propped up on pillows...hanging out with my precious pup io. that is her name in the letters. it really confuses everyone. ok, so here are some pics incase you want to see what i'm talking about.

Warning...graphic pictures below

this is while they were removing the bandages. this is how much it bled through the gauze.

and here it is! those are four pins sticking out that will be removed in 3 and a half weeks

this is compared to my other foot. it is so weird because my right foot has a little bunion and now it looks bigger than the left one...did robert just jump to my other foot during surgery...can knobs do that?

having some fun with the camera while we waited for Dr. V. this is tim sucking my toe

Well...there you have it. my first entry.


Amy said...

You are going to be a FUN blogger! I just laughed my way through your first entry and fully expect to do the same during every entry to follow.... Love you and I love that you are now a blogger!

Anonymous said...

I agree. I was laughing too. Your pictures are fantastic! Can we expect such graphic ones each and every time? =) The pins are freaky...kind of like a "you are here" type of thing on a map. =) Glad you've joined us here in blogger-land. I'm putting you on my blogroll ASAP.

love you!

Anonymous said...

Yea, the first three comments are from you know who, you know who, and know who! OK, I am not so good with blood and surgery and what now..I am a bit queasy now. But I, too, love that you are a-bloggin, and I am sure that there are going to be some fun posts from the couch from CC. Love you! Courts

Tara said...

Now this is a blog site! Ok, so I got on your site (for the first time) and came face to face with some pretty scary,yet somehow very interesting and informative, feet. I love you, your feet and your new blog site!