Here are a couple of my creative Christmas gifts. I decided to make mosaics for my sister and for Tim's parents. I had a fun time with this and just figured it out as I went.
Here is the one that I did for Tim's dad. It was a great picture of 3 generations at Tim's brother Scott's wedding. There is Papa Crowder in the middle. I love you very much Papa!
On the theme of Creative gifts. Every year, we choose someones name and you have to make something for that person. We were so excited to learn a couple weeks before Christmas that Uncle Jerry and Aunt Margaret would join us. This little "sculpture" was Greg using his creative skills to put (with ducktape) a few different statues and their random body parts together as one masterpiece. Many of my mom's sculptures broke in the big ice storm that Tulsa had a few weeks ago. We all have a running joke that you don't want Greg to get your name for the creative gift because these are the types of great things he comes up with every year!
All the girls...we all took days to cook and it worked out well. This helped my mom to not have to plan every meal and gave her some relaxation! I think we will do this from now on.
Greg and Dyan
A gift from Toad...(Derek) for IO. This is her very own los St. Louis. D, she loves it...she loves that it squeeks. She is so cute with it.

IO Got a hold of this dolphin and it has become one of her best friends.
Cuties...Brittany and April. I love these beauties. Britt just turned 18 and April will be 15 in January.
Visiting with Meme and Papa and Tim's mom in Siloam. It was a lot of fun. Everyone came together for a special dinner and we loved it!
For New Years Eve we headed to OKC to see Josh, Amy and Silas Bottomly. They got a Wii for Christmas and it was a hit. Here is Amy in a serious Tennis match.
My first time to meet Silas. He is a precious little one. We had such a great time with our dear friends that we miss so much.
Tim and Silas, doesn't Tim have that fatherly touch already...;)
The beautiful Bottomly's. What a precious family!!

Jake with full pads on running from couch to couch catching the football.

This is my parents house in the newly designed media room. It is so beautiful. This became the favorite place to hang. My mom did the curtains...the are so cute and perfect in this room.
J and Chad are having a little one in March and she did a precious thing for her creative gift. She had drawn my dad's name for Christmas for creative gift. She gave him a letter. As he read the letter to the family, we were all so touched. To give you just a small portion..she said, Dad you have always been the one to announce me as all of my life I was the princess coming into the room for a performance. Now, I would like for you to announce our baby. They had not found out what they were having but asked the doctor to write it and seal it in an envelope. So, that envelope was in this card for my dad to read aloud to the family. It was so special we all got to find out together with J and Chad! is a GIRL! So exciting! It was a precious moment and so fun that we could all share it.

This is a bottle of Coffee Creamer that I have that has the birth date of little girl hamilton on it. I just thought that was fun!
Here is Tim tracking Santa Claus online with Olivia. O was afraid Santa wouldn't have time to get from Guatamala where he was when they were watching...and get to Oklahoma. This was super cute. Once again, uncle Tim scores with his mad technology skills.

Back to North Carolina. My birthday is January 7 and Tim made my day...a weekend celebration. Then on Sunday night he took me to The Melting Pot where he had roses and a card waiting at our table. Oh, this is so cute. As I was almost ready to leave I heard the doorbell ring. I was like...what? I almost yelled to Tim and asked if he would get it, but I just went to get it myself. Io was barking and as I opened the door, there was Tim. He was there to pick me up for our date. It was so much fun. I would highly recommend this restaurant. We were there for 3 hours and had such a special time together!

I was laughing at the end of our meat and veggie course. This was all that was left...and no...we couldn't finish it. We had to save room for the chocolate!
I know it has been so long since my last post, but this one is a doozie....sorry, I'm just not one of those amazing bloggers.. deal with it!