This is San Antonio Riverwalk. I was expecting fun, but this was over the top. The Riverwalk was so much better than I imagined...I want to go back when it is warmer. We had a really good time and ate lunch with the fam in a cute little mexican restaurant.
Tim and Scott - the groom. I'll take the one in black and brown please!
Todd, Kim, Jack, Helen and Henry Elgie. We had a good time with them and they very warmly opened up their house to us!
Good trip, good to be home. We missed IO a lot. She stayed with some of our dear friends here in Charlotte. Bobby and Tabitha Hoffman were so kind to watch io along with their own two dogs Daisy and Joey. They are both big dogs and Tab said that within a couple days IO was ruling the house. She has been at home all day with me today and she seems down. I think she misses her new friends. They said that IO and Joey were inseperable. So cute.